January 20, 2023 How to Prepare for a Sports Physical

How to Prepare for a Sports Physical

What is a Sports Physical?

A sports physical is a comprehensive medical assessment of an athlete’s health and fitness level. It is designed to identify any potential health issues that could affect the athlete’s performance or put them at risk for injury. A sports physical typically includes a physical examination, medical history, and laboratory tests. The physical exam usually includes a check of the athlete’s vital signs, such as their heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. The medical history typically includes questions about the athlete’s past medical history, current medications, and any allergies. The laboratory tests may include blood and urine tests, as well as imaging studies.

Why is a Sports Physical Important?

A sports physical is an important part of an athlete’s preparation for any sport or activity. It helps to ensure that the athlete is healthy and fit enough to participate in the activity. It also allows the doctor to identify any potential health issues that could put the athlete at risk for injury or illness. By identifying any potential health issues before they become a problem, the athlete can take the necessary steps to prevent any issues from occurring.

When Should an Athlete Get a Sports Physical?

Most athletes should get a sports physical at least once a year. This is especially important for athletes who are participating in contact sports or high-intensity activities. It is also important for athletes who have recently experienced a major illness or injury. If an athlete is participating in a new sport or activity, they should get a sports physical before beginning the activity.

What Should an Athlete Do to Prepare for a Sports Physical?

There are a few things an athlete should do to prepare for a sports physical. First, the athlete should make sure to bring a list of any medications they are currently taking, as well as any allergies or medical conditions they have. The athlete should also make sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes that are easy to remove. Additionally, the athlete should make sure to bring a water bottle and snacks, as well as any other items they may need during the physical.

What Should an Athlete Expect During a Sports Physical?

During a sports physical, the doctor will typically begin by taking the athlete’s vital signs, such as their heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. The doctor will then ask questions about the athlete’s medical history and current medications. The doctor may also perform a physical examination, which includes checking the athlete’s vision, hearing, and coordination. The doctor may also perform laboratory tests, such as blood and urine tests, and imaging studies.

What Should an Athlete Do After a Sports Physical?

After a sports physical, the athlete should follow any instructions the doctor has given them. This may include taking any medications prescribed or following up with any additional tests. The athlete should also make sure to follow any activity restrictions the doctor has given them. Additionally, the athlete should make sure to get regular follow-up sports physicals to ensure their health and fitness level remains optimal.


A sports physical is an important part of an athlete’s preparation for any sport or activity. It helps to ensure that the athlete is healthy and fit enough to participate in the activity. It also allows the doctor to identify any potential health issues that could put the athlete at risk for injury or illness. To prepare for a sports physical, the athlete should bring a list of any medications they are currently taking, as well as any allergies or medical conditions they have. They should also wear comfortable clothing and shoes that are easy to remove and bring a water bottle and snacks. After a sports physical, the athlete should follow any instructions the doctor has given them and make sure to get regular follow-up sports physicals.

For more information on how to prepare for a sports physical, visit Mayo Clinic.

1. Make an appointment with your doctor or a sports physical therapist.

2. Bring any medical forms that may be required by your school or sports organization.

3. The physical exam will typically include a review of your medical history, a physical exam, and a review of any medications you may be taking.

4. The physical exam will also typically include a vision test, a hearing test, a measurement of your height and weight, and a blood pressure check.

5. Depending on the type of sport you are participating in, additional tests may be required. For example, a heart rate test may be done for athletes participating in endurance sports.

6. The entire physical exam usually takes about 30 minutes.

7. After the physical exam is complete, your doctor or physical therapist will review the results with you and provide any recommendations or further instructions.

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